Wednesday, October 15, 2014

5 Benefits of Strength Training While Pregnant

Somewhere in the past, I believe it’s possible that pregnant women were told not to exert themselves. This included running, and basically any sort of physical fitness that could raise the heart rate over 140 bpm - Strength training included. Well the times, they are a changin’, and more and more information is being brought forward showing the pure benefits of prenatal strength training.

 First, let’s take a look at the past: A myth exists that women in China would give birth to children in the rice fields, tie the newborns to their backs, and keep working. Ok… this seems a little overboard, not to mention, extreme. There’s no need to go this crazy over staying fit while pregnant. However, let’s be honest here, labor is probably the most intense workout we’ll ever experience! I like to look at it like training for a half marathon. How can I do no training and expect the race to go well? I vote to stay in shape if it will help me in any way!

So, I did some research on reasons to keep strength training while pregnant. And I need to note first (as always) that I am in no way an expert, so please consult with your Dr. before beginning or continuing any workout plan!

Benefit #1: Strength training can help reduce excessive weight gain. Not only does it help to keep your body in shape, but it also keeps your mind strong (so you can turn down those extra 2 PM cravings). Plus, toning up will continue to turn your fat into muscle, reducing extra jiggle.

Benefit #2: Reduces or avoids common pregnancy and postpartum discomfort. Personally, I experienced some back pain with my first pregnancy. It was like my back wasn’t strong enough to carry the extra weight around my tummy. This is where strength training can be helpful as it puts importance on proper posture and focuses on your core, which helps to alleviate pressure on your back.

Benefit #3: Strength training can help to ease labor pains. Your body may be more prepared if you’ve already been keeping it in shape. If it can help reduce pain in any way, I’m all for it!

Benefit #4: Helps build adequate strength for carrying your baby and heavy baby equipment later on. We all know that those baby carriers are HEAVY. My arm muscles never looked as good as when I had to carry my newborn daughter EVERYWHERE in that 30 pound thing. Why not prepare yourself ahead of time?

Benefit #5: Happy endorphins! This is my favorite. And these can come from any sort of exercise completed during pregnancy - a walk outside, a short elliptical workout - Anything to break a small sweat and feel rejuvenated! Pregnancy (and especially postpartum) hormones can wreak havoc on one’s mind. Just a little exercise can help to ease these mood swings. *As a side note, I’m not sure my husband sees these as “mood swings.” I think some days he’s just convinced I’m a crazy pregnant lady. Most days, I truly wonder if he’s right… :)

In conclusion, after doing all of this research, I’m convinced now more than ever that continuing to do some strength training for the next 4 months is a must. Per my Dr.’s orders, I am omitting anything that would include jarring (So sorry burpees… Umm, not!), or anything that would completely overexert myself. So my next plan is to start doing some solid research on the best strength training exercises for pregnancy so I can mix it up. I’ll be sure to post anything I find along the way!

Oh, and total final thought: In researching for this article, I came across a lot of awkward photos of preggo women lifting weights. Let’s remember to keep our attire appropriate for the gym, ladies. ;)

What about you? Do you have any strength training exercises you like to do? I’d love to hear them so please feel free to share in the comments!

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