Saturday, October 18, 2014

The struggles of balance!

Lately, I've been feeling kind of lost. Like there’s a greater plan for me, but I have no idea what it is. And that is frustrating! I wanted to figure it out on my own, but truth be told, I just wasn't getting anywhere. 

Let me explain: It’s not really one thing in my life that I feel like I’m doing incorrectly, it’s pretty much everything. Do you ever feel like you’re just doing everything halfway in life? Like you don’t really have a strong focus on one thing? For example, when I’m at work, I make a list of all the things I need to get done at home, and on slow days, I think, “Geez, I could really be catching up on laundry, washing the windows, raking the leaves… [Enter a household item here].” 

On the other side, when I’m at home, I have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night and think about things at work. “Did i send that email before I left for the day?” And, “Don’t forget to ship out that order when you come in first thing in the morning!” And this is just trying to balance work and owning a home! 

This doesn’t even describe the guilt I sometimes feel for not being a Mom who’s always there or a wife who rarely puts her husband first! (Let me take this moment to publicly apologize to my husband for sometimes being last on my list with the assumption that he’ll always be there… Sorry, hubby!) 

With all this in mind, I went on a search for the best ways to balance work and life, which just lead me to opposing thoughts from articles with titles like “5 ways to correctly balance your work and home life” to “The Truth: There is no work and home life balance” and even to articles from Pepsi Co’s CEO stating that “Women Can Not Have it All.” Talk about a blow to the spirit. What the heck am I even working for then?

It seemed the more I searched for ways to balance everything, the more I felt like I was losing control over everything and not just one thing. *Sigh*

Yes, this is the journey I've been on for the past couple of months, but I promise there’s a positive ending to this somewhat dismal story! :) So what’s a busy working and family-loving mom to do when she needs a little direction in life?

I’m not sure about what everyone’s personal decision is on this topic, but I finally found a place of peace when I stumbled across Proverbs 3:5-6:

This stopped me in my tracks. It explained exactly what I needed to do - I needed to have a little more faith and spend a lot less time trying to figure it all out on my own!

So, with all of the time I’ve spent “soul searching” lately, I've finally decided to give it a break. I don’t understand what the plan is for me, or how I’m exactly going to finally balance work with my family time and relationships with friends, but I will continue to trust that eventually this will all work out just the way it’s supposed to. It’s challenging, but oddly enough, I've felt a lot less stressed. Not to mention I’ve been saving time by not looking up self-help articles, which just work me into a tizzy anyway. :) 

I’m currently just praying for patience. And the hope that some of my questions will be answered SOON because I’d like to know what direction to take and how to get through these challenges! Ug! What’s that you say? Oh right… patience… 

Any other mom’s out there struggling with this?

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