Ok, so let's get it out there... it has been far too long since my last post. It's embarrassing how long it's been! So to ease myself back into the blogging world, this post is mostly for me. To get out my thoughts and get a few things off my chest.
First, I've realized that my commitment capabilities are minimal at best. (As you can see in how well I keep up this blog...) I get restless, and I need things to change, so I'm constantly switching from one item to the next. I really do want to keep up with this blog! But after a few days of writing the same thing over and over again, I just get bored and move on to something else.
Second, I've discovered that I am very passionate about several different things. For instance, I am so passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. I feel that it's important for EVERYONE to get up and get moving everyday! And an incredible amount of processed foods have been introduced over time so it's vital for people to focus on the natural foods that God made for us to eat.
I'm also in love with being crafty. :) I'm actually thinking about doing a scapbooking business on the side - I can make a few bucks while doing something I really enjoy! And, since my last post, I am pleased to announce that Cory and I have found the perfect little house to buy. We close in less than a week, so I can't wait to get in there and start decorating! DIY all the way!
Last, I am going to go all out and finally admit that I feel a calling to entrepreneurship. I would absolutely die to be my own boss; to set my own hours and make money from something I'm passionate about. I still have no idea how to go about this, but maybe someday...
And as I'm typing this, I have just had a revelation: Maybe I'm bored with my blog because it's focused on living healthy, but I have interest in all of these different areas! Perhaps the best blog for me would be something that allows me to illustrate all aspects of my life instead of just one. Maybe a focus on living in small town Nebraska? Or is this just me wanting to change things up again? :) Oh how my restless mind works...