Tuesday, January 17, 2012

LOVE running

This week I have fallen in love with running all over again. I cranked out 6 miles on Sunday, and felt like 4 wasn't enough today! It's really inspired me to keep pushing and see how far and fast I can go. My goal is to be able to run all 13 miles at a 9 minute/mile pace in May. This would put me under 2 hours. A goal I have always strived for, but never been able to attain!

I'm going to make this short and sweet tonight,and my next post will include the 9 week Half-Marathon plan I downloaded, but to close tonight, I found a few pictures online to keep everyone inspired.  :)

This last one makes me want to run outside! Hope winter ends soon... Meanwhile, back on the treadmill tomorrow morning for another run!


Thursday, January 5, 2012


Happy New Year, everyone! The good Lord has blessed us with another year and it has urged me to set yet another New Year's resolution. To be honest, I can't say I'm all that great at reaching/keeping my goal each year. In fact, I have actually heard more people say this year that they aren't setting any sort of resolution. It makes me wonder: As a society, are we too afraid of failure, or are we just tired of trying? Something to chew on... Anyway, regardless of my past track record and the constant negativity, I'm ready to try a new resolution for 2012!

What is this grand plan you may ask? Well I've decided to become a more serious runner. This seems basic, possibly even easy. How hard can being a more "serious" runner be? The truth is, I couldn't decide if I wanted to be more dedicated, try new things, or just plain faster. So, I chose a goal that would mean all of these things.

I read an article in Self magazine today (my FAVORITE mag) called "The 5 Tricks to Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions." It listed 5 basic steps to reaching your goal.

#1: Set reasonable goals. Check.

#2: Create a schedule. This area needs some work. I am hot pursuit of a half marathon plan for my Lincoln race May 6th!

#3: Track your progress. I have to say, I don't really think I've ever done this for running. Looks like my planner will need to open up a few spots for running notes.

#4: Buddy up! I love this step! I have a wonderful morning workout buddy, Jenn. And there is a group of amazing ladies in the town where I work that band together for running. I would like to be a stronger member of their group, the Northeast Nebraska Road Runners!

#5: Don't give up! KEY step right there. Porbably the most important for any New Year's resolution.

Well, with all of that said, it's time for me to get to work on my goal! Hitting the treadmill at 5:30 AM! Small steps, everyone. Small steps... :)