Thursday, March 31, 2011

Parmesan Asparagus

I finally tried out the asparagus last night! I found a recipe called Roasted Asparagus that I decided to try and I'm glad I did. It was pretty delicious, and my vegetable hater, Cory, actually had seconds! I'll be trying to post all of my creations under the Recipes tab of the site.

The finished product

Dinner is served!

The green really livened up our baked chicken and mashed potatoes with country gravy and I can't wait to try another recipe with this veggie!

In other news, we are looking at nearly 60 degree weather tomorrow and some SUN finally! Looks like I'll be able to run outside again! Can't wait to get some fresh air.

Anyway, all for now. The weekend is nearly here so I'm sure I'll be busy, but can't wait to get a little running in during the great spring weather! :)


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Snow in March

I am feeling so much better today! I don't know if it's because I tried the old wife's tail of putting Vicks on the bottom of my feet before going to bed last night, or because I finally got to go for a run tonight. Probably a combination of the two (and, of course, I just got done watching The Biggest Loser).

Anywho, haven't gotten a chance to try the Asparagus yet. Planning on trying it tomorrow night. But the big winner of the day was... I finally went running again! I was aching to put on my running shoes. They have a way of staring at me from the closet floor begging to be used.

Sadly, the weather has not turned back toward spring just yet, though. I woke up this morning to a couple inches of snow on the ground. I realize that choosing the treadmill over pavement when the weather is under 40 degrees makes me a wuss in Nebraska, but such is life. I prefer to stay warm when running. :)

Regardless of the fact that I detest cold weather and am in dire need of some sunshine, I really couldn't keep from taking a couple pictures of the snowfall this morning. The way it laid sleepily on tree branches and barn doors made for gorgeous scenery.

The snow on our barn and grove of trees

More trees in our driveway
 Now, here's hoping we have had our final snowfall for the next few months.

 I miss you, summer!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yummy vegetables

I have one word to describe the weekend: Sick. :( I really wanted to do my long run for the week this afternoon, but I decided that nursing my cold would probably be best. And running in snowy, 36 degree weather doesn't seem like it would help my cause. So tonight I am staying in, taking a hot shower, and am currently drinking some hot tea. Hope tomorrow will be better...

Also, I got to thinking this weekend that I don't eat near enough vegetables. And I know I haven't given some of these healthy foods a real chance. I've decided that I am going to pick a different vegetable every week and try a couple different recipes to see how it goes. My first week I have chosen:
Asparagus! Mmmm delicious, no? I do have at least one recipe in mind for this week, much to Cory's dismay. (He is NOT a vegetable fan, but I'm hoping he will entertain me and try my recipes anyway.) I'll be posting any recipes I find and I'm crossing my fingers that this will encourage me to eat more veggies!

Also, I can't seem to get a picture to publish with this post, so if anyone has any ideas, that would be great!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ok, I wasn't going to make a post tonight, but I have to admit: I'm kind of addicted. :)

I have had a long, tiring day and to be honest, I think I'm getting a cold. But, in the midst of my complaining and feeling sorry for myself, I realized that.. LIFE. STILL. MOVES. ON. I can sit on this couch and feel sorry for myself all I want, but it doesn't help me stick to a goal I've made with my best friend (which I will get into another time) and it sure doesn't help me feel any better about myself.

So, what's the best thing about today? I will be heading to bed in a few minutes and it will soon be over. Which means tomorrow gives me another chance to do the things I should have done today. That's the most beautiful thing about a good night of sleep: When you wake up, God has blessed you with a new day, complete with a glowing sunrise!

With this said, I'm going to clean up a bit and head to bed with the knowledge that I get to start a new day in 8 peaceful hours!

Sleep tight,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday Love

Well here I sit on a Tuesday night watching my favorite show... The Biggest Loser! I can't figure out why I love this show so much. I swear it makes me cry every week! But I have to say, it really is an inspirational show. I can't even begin to count the minutes I spend during each day wining about such pidly things. Crazy.

Anyway, it's been a pretty crazy week at work and I'm feeling another build-up of things to do for the wedding so I haven't been that focused on running. Which is why I would like to share my awesome run from yesterday... 7.5 miles!! I realize this is barely over a 10k and I will be running an entire half marathon on April 23rd, but regardless, I still did it! And on a treadmill no less! I need to find something that can go on my wall showing a countdown to the race. I think it would definitley keep me movitated!

Anyway, I'm going to leave it short and sweet tonight and try to do some more maintenence on this site. Plus the show is still on and I need to know who is going home! And yes, I realize this makes me a nerd.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Post!

Hello, everyone!
Perhaps I should begin my first blog by introducing myself: My name is Kris and I live near beautiful, West Point, Nebraska. While I have little experience with blogs, I have come to realize over the past couple of months that I would love to share my passion for running with others. And I would love any tips as well! I'm always a fan of trying something new.

While the main focus of this blog consists of the running experience, I would also like to share events and any other healthy living tips I discover along the way. Although exercise gets my heart pumping, I some how feel ten times better when it is combined with a wholesome lifestyle, complete with fruits and veggies!

Well, I suppose I will keep my first blog short as I am already feeling tired and ready for bed. Plus, I think this website needs a little more maintenance before I continue - It's definitely a work-in-progress. But I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me through this site!

Goodnight and God bless!
