Monday, February 10, 2014

Helmet Day

Today was the day. Our 4:30 appointment at Children’s Hospital in Omaha would mean that from now until 6 months from now (potentially), Miss Makenna would need to wear a helmet for 20-23 hours a day.

Let me begin with a little history: At Makenna’s 4 month check up at the clinic, my Dr. and I discussed the flatness on the back of her head. It wasn’t bad, but still noticeable.

The child slept on her back all night long and didn’t move! And she wasn’t sitting up enough yet to let it round out. We agreed to take a picture from the top looking down on her head, and then another one on her 6 month appointment to see if it had rounded out at all. 

By her 6 month check-up, it really was looking better. She was sitting up completely by herself at this point and we thought for sure it would finish rounding out by itself. 

That brings us to her 9 month check-up, when we realized we would need to do more. It really wasn’t rounding out, and she still slept all night on her back, not moving at all, which continued to put pressure directly on her flat spot. 

Our Dr. recommended a specialist. Fast forward a month and here we are. Talk about an anxious Mom! My stomach was doing flips all day. I was ready to get to the appointment and get it over with. 

It's going to be an adjustment at first, but I'm confident she will do just great once she's used to it. Let's pray I do the same! Why is it so much harder for Moms?

But I do have to share a couple of pics to document the day. Here's a pic of her in the bath with wet hair. It's the official "before" pic. You can really tell that she needs the helmet in this one! 

[Naked baby]
And here's a pic with the new helmet. She still looks sweet to me! ;) 
[New accessory!]
I'll be continuing to update throughout the process in order to document the whole thing. This first week should be interesting... :)