How has it been so long since i have last posted? I feel like there have been so many changes in my life recently that I don't even know where to begin! I suppose first things first:
Cory and I have purchased a home! The West Point park has never looked so great as it does from our big picture window.
Kinda homey, right? Well we have been enjoying it. And doing a few updates! But I will have to get into that at another time.
We've also introduced a new addition to the family coming March 2013!
25 weeks along in this pic! Can you tell? :) I would have to say the hardest part of this pregnancy right now is been the maternity clothes. Ick. I really need someone to start designing some inexpensive yet stylish maternity clothes before my next child comes along.
But, the hardest part of the pregnancy overall has been the lack of running! My poor Asics are getting so bored of walking and the elliptical... I actually feel bad for them. I found out from my Dr. that I probably would have been fine continuing to run, but since this is my first time and I didn't want to risk anything, I made a personal decision to take my workouts down a notch and stay active by walking instead. It has been a really tough decision and I am praying that I stay sane for the next three and a half months until the due date...
We also have a new addition to the kitchen:
Isn't it beautiful? It can make anything (hello chai tea lattes) and even my doubting husband has fallen in love with it as he makes a vanilla-caramel cup of java for himself every morning. Unfortunately, it's half-calf for me right now, but I'm sure it will be worth it in a couple of months. :)
Anyway, on to my Sunday. I haven't had a Sunday this relaxing and inspirational in a long time. This morning was spent with Cory's family at church (which is always the best way to start a Sunday) and this afternoon was spent addressing Christmas cards and catching up on this season's movies (and a little bit of Sex and the City, too). I realize this probably doesn't sound too exciting to a lot of people, so here are a few pictures to give you an idea:
Well, there you have it. Another weekend ends as Monday peeks it's ugly head around the corner. Christmas is also coming on fast so I'm not sure I'll get another post before then, but I do promise that the next one will not need so many updates! :)